Send Money – Not Goods
One of the best ways to help hurricane Harvey victims is by giving cash. It’s more flexible and causes less strain on whichever charity you choose to donate to. Material donations involve transportation, can experience shipping delays, and use up space that could be used for a rescuing victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Want To Volunteer
If you are one of the able bodies and feel that you have the energy to volunteer, the National Voluntary Organizations Active Disaster have provided a list of organizations that you can volunteer with or donate to.
Donate Blood
As more people are found, and some are unfortunately likely to be injured, blood centers anticipate a shortage and are putting out urgent pleas for donations. The closures of blood banks and collection centers along the coast have had a impact on supply. So if you are able, visit a local red cross center to donate.
Before you Donate
Before you give, give smart – unfortunately there are some scam artists out there trying to fool you; and may take most of the cash that you donate as their fee. With just a little bit of research you can find out if the organization you are giving to is the right choice for your donations. Try to give to reputable organizations that you know.
Need Hurricane Windows?
Conservation Construction of Texas offers Hurricane Windows. Click Here to learn more.

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How to Help Hurricane Harvey Victims
Learn how to help Hurricane Harvey Victims
Conservation Construction of Texas
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Conservation Construction of Texas LLC
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